grants and financial support

some of my research has been supported by various grants

Current projects

  • [NSF] CNS-2148104 RINGS: REALTIME: Resilient Edge-cloud Autonomous Learning with Timely Inferences (PI: Anand D. Sarwate, Co-PIs: Waheed U. Bajwa, Dipankar Raychaudhuri, Roy D. Yates)

  • [NIH] 2R01DA040487
    COINSTAC 2.0: Decentralized, Scalable Analysis of Loosely Coupled Data
    (PI: Vince Calhoun (GSU) – subaward to Rutgers: Anand D. Sarwate (PI))

Past/completed projects

The actual work is often ongoing but at some point the clock (and money) runs out…

  • [NSF] CCF-1910110
    CIF: Small: ESTRELLA: Exploiting Structure in Tensors for Representation, Estimation, and Limits of Learning Algorithms
    (PI: Anand D. Sarwate, Co-PI: Waheed U. Bajwa)

  • [NSF] CCF-1909468
    CIF: Small: Collaborative Research: Between Shannon and Hamming
    (PI: Anand D. Sarwate, Co-PI: Michael Langberg)

  • [NSF] SaTC-1617849
    TWC: Small: PERMIT: Privacy-Enabled Resource Management for IoT Networks
    (PI: Anand D. Sarwate, Co-PI: Narayan B. Mandayam)

  • [NIH] 1R01DA040487-01A1
    COINSTAC: Decentralized, Scalable Analysis of Loosely Coupled Data
    (PI: Vince Calhoun (MRN) – subaward to Rutgers: Anand D. Sarwate (PI))

  • [NSF] CCF-1453432
    CAREER: Privacy-preserving learning for distributed data
    (PI: Anand D. Sarwate)

  • *[DARPA] Brandeis, subcontract with Galois, Inc.
    Jana: Ensuring Secure, Private and Flexible Data Access
    (PI: David Archer (Galois) – subaward to Rutgers: Rebecca Wright (PI), Co-PIs: Anand D. Sarwate, David Cash)

  • [NSF] CCF-1525276
    CIF: Small: Active data screening for efficient feature learning
    (PI: Waheed Bajwa, Co-PI: Anand D. Sarwate)

  • [NSF] CCF-1218331/CCF-1440033
    CIF: Small: Collaborative Research: Inference by social sampling
    (PI: Anand Sarwate)

  • [Verisign] gift through DIMACS Center to work on applied and theoretical privacy
    (PIs: Rebecca Wright, Anand D. Sarwate)

  • [DHS] through CCICADA Center
    DPAD: Differentially Private Anomaly Detection
    (PIs: Rebecca Wright, Anand D. Sarwate)

  • [ARL] Robotics CTA award from General Dynamics
    Active Feature Learning and Classifier Training for Object Recognition
    (Waheed Bajwa, Anand Sarwate, Athina Petropulu)